Morley-IAS’s new modular range of Intelligent AV warning devices provides easier system confi guration and fl exibility. A common base across AV and detectors is available, allowing for easier installation and ordering. These devices are all available with isolators, providing you with a fl exible approach and allowing for easier fault-fi nding on the loop. please see page 4 for more details. Individual tone and volume settings and sounder tone synchronisation can be adjusted from the panel enabling the sound intensity to be adjusted to suit the application.The common installation base , B501AP is supplied with a shorting spring. This allows for the continuity of wiring to be tested before installing any devices. The Morley-IAS devices can then be fi tted at the fi nal commissioning stage, reducing the risk of damage during the fi rst fi x. At fi nal commissioning the device is simply twisted into the base and the installation is complete. This system provides a greater degree of fl exibility to system designers, provides a more robust solution and saves time for the installer as all devices are interchangeable without the need to disconnect or disturb the wiring.